
Tuesday 21 July 2015

10 Things you didnt know about me Tag

Hey guys thanks so much to Marie from  thebeautmum.for tagging me in this post. If you want to find out some more random info about me keep reading.....

 1.Where did you have your first kiss ?
 I had my first kiss at a bus romantic lol  

2.If you could pick a male celebrity to have a date with who would it be & why ?
 Hhmmm that's a tough one. I would probably pick someone who would make me laugh,so maybe Will Smith or then again  maybe Hugh Jackman or George Clooney ..HHMMM...OK Ive decided its...Chris Helmsworth !!!!

 3.What was your first car ?
 My first car was a Toyota Yaris and I loved her unfortunately our relationship didn't last long as we were involved in a horrific accident which mangled her and me. I survived she didn't

4.Did you pass your driving test first time ?
 No i didn' question lol its a bit of a sore spot !!!!

5.Which would you choose for a night out a comedy night/live band ?
 Oh definitely a comedy night..anyone who knows me knows i have a wicked sense of humour so defo a comedy night!!

 6.What is your size shoe ?
 I'm a size 6  

7.Chocolate or alcohol ?
 Oh no brainer..Chocolate ..mmmmmm chocolate doesn't make you make a fool of yourself hahahaha 

 8.Open fire or heating ?
 I love the idea of an open fire and if its in someone Else's house ill be clung to it,but Ive never lit the fire in my own house...heating all the way here,cant be dealing with ashes and soot!!! 

 9.What do you do to relax ?
 I'm sorry i don't understand this question hahahaha as a mum of 2 under 3 I have very little time to relax but when i do i would curl up with  a book or (don't laugh ) do some colouring!! I actually bought a colouring book for adults and i love it

10.What would be your perfect night out ?
 My perfect night out would be to go out for a meal to a nice restaurant,the maybe go to a comedy show or even to the cinema...oh how motherhood has changed me hahahahaha
OK so im tagging the following 5 bloggers who I want to know more about
 Ciara Brickley  

Nichole Corcoran
Shell Fletcher 

 Rebecca Casey

Shin Hayes    

 And ladies here are my questions...

1 Do you prefer crisps or chocolate?
2 Why did you start your blog?
3 Do you have any pets?
4 Have you any special talents?
5 Where in the world would you love to go visit?
6 What is your natural hair colour?
7 Have you any tattoos or piercings?
8 Would you ever do a bungee jump?
9 Have you ever broken someones heart?
10 Do you remember your first day of school?

 Look forward to reading your answers ladies xxx

Monday 13 July 2015

Aurora hair band...for Charlies Angels hair while you sleep

Hey Guys, so i was lucky enough to receive one of these little beauties in the post a little while back.

Since then I have tried this numerous times and I must say I love the results even on my mid lenght hair.

So how does it work..after you have washed and towel dried your hair you simply roll your hair into this little beauty.

Then,you go to bed....that's curling tongs,no using GHD's to curl your hair,no dead arm while you try to curl your hair. I also like that you are not using heat to achieve the waves so you are not damaging your hair. It is so simple to do and the results are just superb.

The band is very comfortable to sleep in ,no more waking up with a crick in your neck from conventional rollers. My hubby did give me a funny look but he has seen my go to bed with stranger things on!!!

To use just part in your desired parting. Place The Aurora Band on your head. Divide hair down the back centre of crown as if to make pigtails. Starting from the front, take your first section, about 2 inches for longer hair, make bigger sections.
ALWAYS REMEMBER to add the remainder of each section into the next until you reach the nape of the neck. Repeat on the opposite side, again starting at the front.
Pull the Band back to hairline when finished wrapping.

TOP TIP Try to leave a space at the back of the band where the 2 sides meet. This ensures easy unlooping in the morning.
To remove the band start unravelling from the nape of the neck by turning the band inside out and inserting your finger under the loop, starting from the last section wrapped. Work to the front and repeat process on the opposite side.
DO NOT  pull hair from Velcro side when unlooping.
My hair was a little on the wild side initially but by the time i had my make up applied and was ready to go out the door it had relaxed and look great.

 It is very important to remove the band as directed ,i have seem some negative reviews regarding knotty hair and hair being stuck to the Velcro.
I removed it as instructed each time and I haven't had an issue,but i can see how you would if you don't follow instructions. Take a few minutes to remove the band properly and you will have great results.
I have also worn this band during the day after showering in the morning (obviously a day I'm staying at at home lol) and have again gotten great results .
I will be saving a fortune on curly blowdry's
This product is available online from aurorahairproducts click here and in selected pharmacies

Saturday 4 July 2015

Hairspray Ireland open in Cork!!!

Hey guys,so this morning I was all excited.
Ireland's leading hair extension and beauty specialist was opening in Cork.No more trips the capital to purchase their amazing hairpieces and clip-in extensions!!!! The store has opened on Patrick street next to Coast and the store is Massive.

 Hairspray are the suppliers of celebrity favourite hair extensions and its easy to see why...the quality is amazing.Some of their best sellers are the Hairspray Halo,Hairtox,Electra and Bardot collections.
Its not all hair though,Hairspray also stock an array of professional nail products. Everything from UV lamps to gel polish and extensions. They even have their own range of polish too along with the Hairspray brand of eyelashes.

                                                          Some of the clip-ins available
                                                        Hair Extensions( just some of them)
                                                 Hairspray's own Nail polish collection
                                                              Some more clip in pieces
I spoke with Managing Director Warren Logan who was very excited about opening in Cork as well he should be. There was a huge crowd gathered outside eagerly awaiting 10am for the ribbon to be cut and to get the first glimpse of the new store. They were never going to disappointed. As its such a big premises they really do carry a vast variety of all their products . The excitement was fantastic and so many knew exactly what they wanted ,a sure signs they were previously fans of the range.

                                 Myself with Warren Logan Managing Director of Hairspray Ireland

                                                          The queue outside at 9.30am!!!
                                                             Doors open....come on in...

Hairspray stock both synthetic and real hair extensions so just chat to the girls instore about your needs and they will point you in the right direction .
The staff are lovely  and were so excited to be open. They were busy colour matching anyone wishing to purchase a hair piece. They are all excellent in their job having been trained in Dublin since October of last year.
Hairspray had a lovely set up for the opening with Red FM there to provide the music as well a table full of Cupcakes and Pink Champagne (lemonade) to nibble on while you perused the shelves. They  were delicious !!

                                                             RedFM on the decks
                                                              Yummy Cupcakes!!!
                                                    Pink Champagne (lemonade)anyone???

The opening is Cork is the 7th store for Hairspray as they are already dotted all over Dublin. They are also stocked in some selected  premium salons around the country as well as in  the UK.
Expose were also there covering the opening as well as local press as it is a huge boost for Cork to have our very own Hairspray.

                                                   Expose filming in a private corner of the store!

I was lucky enough to be gifted some lovely products which i will trying out over the next 2 weeks or so and reviews will follow.
Check out the Hairspary facebook click here
And their website click here
Don't forget to pop in store and have a look,you wont be disappointed

Wednesday 1 July 2015

The Body Shop Giveaway Facebook

Hey guys,so following on from my Threading experience the wonderful people at The Body Shop and Revolve PR  have given me some fab products to giveaway to one of you lucky readers.

The products are from the brand new range Virgin Mojito and my God they smell good enough to eat...but don't!!!
There is the divine mouth watering Shower sorbet,the body scrub and the refreshing body splash ....ideal fragrance for summer and its fresh and fruity and zingy 

To enter this giveaway you just have to
Like my facebook page  here
Like The Body Shop page here
Like the post and tag 2 friends
And remember sharing is caring
Don't forget to comment below to let me know you have entered 
Winner chosen at random on 15th July 2015
This giveaway is also running on my facebook page for readers there to enter ..Good Luck to everyone xxx

Eyebrow Threading at The Body Shop Ireland

Hey Guys,
So a few weeks ago I posted that I was invited into the Body Shop in Cork to have my eyebrows threaded and tinted if I wanted. My eyebrows are naturally dark but bushy so I  declined the tint but was excited to try out the threading.

Eyebrows are the main focus right now and you need to have them 'on point'. I normally pluck (when i have time ) and then every 6 months or so get them waxed to give the definition that i maintain by plucking. I had heard of Threading but never got around to trying it out ...until now.Threading has many advantages over waxing,its fast.suitable for all skin types even sensitive,its relatively painless ( i found it quite relaxing) and it does not cause ingrown hairs !!!.
Threading has been done for centuries in countries like India,Egypt but its relatively new practise here in Ireland.It is done using a cotton thread which is twisted and pulled along the hairs grabbing  the unwanted ones in a twisted loop if you will. It removes the hair follicle and results can last longer than waxing (depending on your own hair growth)
Now my eyebrows grow like weeds..seriously its ridiculous how fast those buggers grow so i deliberately held off on this review so i could tell you guys how long it lasted.
I was threaded on the 9th June and i did not see any pesky hairs poking out until the 27 June and even then it was just a few. Its now the 1st July and ok they need to be done but nothing like how bad they would normally be after this lenght of time (caterpillars spring to mind!!!)
I was threaded by Uma who was so lovely and professional.  There is a separate area of the shop designated for the threading which is nice and private .The first thing Uma did was to sanitise her hand and mine..I loved this because I am a clean freak..( I did used to work in a sterile environment so I've been conditioned lol) . We then discussed the look i was after and Uma set to work. Uma kept showing me in a mirror to check i was happy which I was..very happy indeed. It was all over very fast, and some cooling aloe vera was applied not that i need it to be honest there was no pain or stinging  and wow the result was fantastic. A huge plus for me is that there was no redness, You know how after waxing you have 2 red blotchy strips across your face not with threading.

The threading bar at  offers threading for a variety of areas and i will definitely be going back . On that note they also offer a loyalty card so if you are in there be sure and pick one up . Also while you just walk in and get threaded you can also book online here. Webite is so easy to use and you even get a reminder text the day before which i like beause we are all busy and appointments can be forgotton
 I would highly recommend the thebodyshop for threading and i will be booking my next  appoinment  this week
Let me know if youve been threaded and how you found it xx